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Choosing Nursery Designs For Your Nursery Room

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There Are So Many Baby Room Designs to Choose From for Your Nursery, How Do You Know Where to Start? Relax and Take it Easy with These Simple Steps...

Choosing from among the plethora of baby room designs out there may seem a little overwhelming at first. But it's really simple to figure out what will work best in the nursery room for your baba if you take it one step at a time with this simple guide.

In order for your baby room design to come together at the end, you need to have an idea of what sort of 'end' you are aiming for, including nursery themes and colors among other things. The place to start is by looking at loads and loads of nursery pictures...

Pictures of Nursery Designs

Nursery pictures are your single biggest inspiration for nursery decorating.

Even if you don't have a clue what type of baby room you want, after a few hours of looking through hundreds of nursery designs you'll have a good idea of what you like and what you don't.

Look at as many different pictures of baby rooms as you can find before making up your mind. You could start by visiting our baby rooms gallery. Different pictures will spark different ideas, and help you to extend your creative boundaries. (Yes we all have a creative side - sometimes it's just snoozing!)

decorating magazines

The internet is a great source of baby room design ideas, and it's free, but if you are like me, and prefer a good book, and a cup of cocoa, home decorating magazines offer an abundance of creative inspiration.

{The Smart Approach
To Baby Rooms,
by Joanne Still
The Smart Approach To Baby Rooms

If you're still stuck for ideas this brilliant book I use is literally jam-packed with beautiful, inspirational baby nursery photos. You are sure to find something in here to get the brainwaves moving.

Choose A Style

The style you choose now, will impact every other aspect of your baby nursery design, from the crib your baby will sleep in, to the walls she will gaze at as she grows.

Your choice of nursery decorating style is a very personal decision, and may be influenced by such factors as:
  • The decor in the rest of your home
  • The baby room's future function (baby won't be in a crib forever!)
  • Family tradition
  • Personal taste
  • Hubby!

Examples of popular styles of nursery designs include the following:

traditional baby nursery

Traditional Baby Room Decorating
Boasting white furniture, soft, curved lines and a palette of pastel hues.

Decorating Baby Nursery Rooms in a Cottage Style
Including warm, hardwood furniture, puffy bedding and country inspired decor.

modern baby nursery

Modern Nurseries
Where pastels are out, and bold, striking color combinations and designs are in. Furniture design emphasizes strong, clean lines.

Beach Nursery Decorating
Distressed furniture finishes, blues and whites. You can almost smell the sea!

fantasy baby nursery

Fantasy Decorating Nursery Ideas
Where anything goes. Turn your baby nursery into a palace for your princess, or a medieval castle for your prince!

Designer Nursery Styles
Sophisticated baby furniture is softened with flowing drapes, and complemented with faux painted walls.

Remember that these are just examples of popular styles - the possibilities are endless! Spend time on this section and make sure you are happy with your decision before moving forward.

Click here for more information on nursery decorating styles.

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Choose A Baby Nursery Theme

First of all - relax. You don't have to decorate with a theme if you don't want to. The modern and elegant styles in particular are usually more successful without one.

However, nursery themes do add an element of fun to nursery designs, so if that's your idea of a nursery room, then go ahead - indulge. Babies' and kids' rooms are the only places in the home where you can really let your hair down!

I made a list the other day of all the theme pages I want to write for this site. I came up with over 200!...

And there was nothing way out in there. If you really put your mind to it, the themes you can decorate a baby nursery with are endless.

Use your imagination - favorite stories from childhood, nursery rhymes, your interests or favorite animals, magazine pictures and ideas from friends can help you to think up a fun theme.

You don't have to choose one of the popular matchy-matchy sets from the outlet stores. Mix it up and do your own thing!

Don't forget to think about how the baby room will be used in future. If you don't want to repaint the room in the next couple of years choose your theme carefully. Will the room be occupied by another baby after this one, or will it be graduating to a toddler room.

Finalize Your Nursery Color Scheme

When planning a baby nursery color scheme you have two options. Follow modern baby room color theory, in which case a color scheme can be:
  • Monochromatic:
    Using a palette of different hues of one color.
  • Complementary:
    Combining colors that lie opposite one another on the color wheel.
  • Analogous:
    Using colors adjacent to one another on the color wheel.
  • Triadic:
    Decorating with three colors that are of equal distance apart from one another on the color wheel.

Or be like me - if it looks good, it's a color scheme - never mind the theory!

Either way, the following factors may play an important role in planning your baby nursery colors:
  • Your nursery room style.
  • Baby's gender.
  • baby nursery
  • Your nursery theme.
  • Your baby bedding (if you've already chosen it).
  • The colors in the rest of your home.
  • Personal preference.
  • Tradition (for instance, for some, it just isn't a baby room if it isn't blue or pink!)

Again, the best sources of information are baby room pictures. You can have all the color theory in the world, but if it doesn't look good to you, it's not good.

1001 ideas for color and paint

If you are hopelessly stuck for a color scheme for your baby nursery design, try this great book I use:

1001 ideas for color and paint by Emma Callery

It covers every color scheme under the sun. There are hundreds of pictures to give you ideas and even comparisons of the same room in up to eight different color schemes. You really can't go wrong with this book on your shelf!

Click here to go to the baby nursery colors section.


nursery design course

If you're having trouble choosing your baby nursery design, don't miss my Step by Step Nursery Design Guide. One at a time I'll take you through all the decisions you need to make in order to arrive at the best baby room design for you.

If you can't find what you're looking for, search here:

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